The amazing group of volunteers which make up our team have a diverse set of skills and experiences which complement each other nicely when venturing into an investigation.  We have developed genuine trust with each other, which is necessary when investigating the unknown.

Nolan Parapsychologist/Investigator

I have loved all things paranormal for as long as I can remember. From Aliens and UFO's to ghosts, spirits, ghouls and everything in between.

After spending years on my own obsessing over haunted locations, seeking out the truth behind the paranormal and consuming every book, TV show and movie on the subject, I felt it was time to put together my own team.

In 2022, I formed Paranormal Frequencies. Now, with the backing of an incredible team, we are able to learn and develop our knowledge and skills together in the hopes that one day we discover the truth.

In August of 2023, I took my passion for the Paranormal to a new level, completeing the diploma program as a professional Parapsychologist. This is a huge step towards gaining a deeper understanding of this complex field.

Kaley Investigator/Psychic Empath

As a child, I was scared of the things I couldn't understand. I had no way of knowing what I was actually experiencing or how to know if there were rational explanations at all. I didn't know who to ask for help to find those answers.

Now, as an adult I'm looking to be brave in the presence of the unknown, to seek evidence of the paranormal and search for the truth I didn't find earlier.

"And I ask myself now, who else than me - your everyday average, empathic human - to keep looking?"

Cam Paranormal Investigator

"Bio? No, I was never 'in' to Bio.  I was more of a Physics kid."

I always thought that there are forces in this world that no one can fully explain; forces that authorities in fields of religion and science alike have been trying to understand for centuries.  In this, I started with physics.

Now, I'm looking at the study of all things paranormal as another means to gain new understandings of these same forces in hopes of gaining understanding and knowledge. 

Rob Paranormal Investigator

"It was the year 3826, The Galactic  confederation was circling its demise under the weight of economic collapse due to the ever encroaching depletion of unobstintranium deposits within the Milky Way. 

Their only salvation, one man. His mission: To deter human evolution from its innevitable dependency of unobstintranium in the first place. That man’s name is Robert Latreille and this is his story." 

© 2023 Paranormal Frequencies